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Advisor Resources

Important Links

Arizona HOSA is the successful organization we are because of the hard work and dedication of all of our local advisors! We appreciate the support that our advisors give us throughout the year. Whether you're an experienced advisor, or want to start a chapter, this is the place for you! 








​Fundraiser idea!

Right Response and HOSA have partnered to offer great opportunities for our members. Any chapter that conducts a Right Response fundraiser will earn 50% profit AND Right Response will make a donation to be used for Arizona HOSA Scholarships! 


If you are looking for a fundraiser, this might be the one for you. We just wanted to provide resources that might help you meet your goals. As with any fundraiser, please ensure you follow the proper channels through the local school system. 


To get more information contact:

Additional Resources


Arizona HOSA #42 Arizona Department of Education, 1535 W. Jefferson St., Phoenix, AZ 85007

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Tel: 602-542-5770

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