Chapter Awards
Chapter Award Program updated guide for
2024-2025 is now available!
(Submission link will be coming soon!)
About the Program
Chapter Awards are awards given to chapters who exemplify what it means to be Future Health Professionals and complete certain activities throughout the year, above and beyond the four walls of their classroom. Some tasks include: having an established set of by-laws, attending Arizona HOSA events, and presenting about HOSA to local middle schools. Chapters can apply for, and receive awards for Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels based on completing activities that represent the four Core Values of the HOSA organization. Chapters receiving these awards will be recognized at our annual State Leadership Conference in the spring!
Also - Individual Awards (Pulse Awards) are available to those HOSA members that want to go above and beyond that of a typical HOSA member. Check out those guidelines in the 'Students' tab above!
Below is the link to access the guidelines for the chapter awards and see the tasks required for each level!
24-25 Chapter Award Guidelines - (Now available!)
Chapter Award Submission Link (Now available!)
Bronze Level Resources
Resources for Silver, Gold, and Platinum - coming soon!