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Competitive Events
For the 24-25 updated guidelines for all
Competitive Events,
​New Resources for
(Use these to help decide which event is right for you!)
CE Organizational Chart (updated 1/10/25)
Pathway to ILC - Regionals Path
Additional Resources:
Middle School Events:
Health Science Events:
Health Career Exploration
Foundations of Medical Terminology
Foundations of Nutrition
Math for Health Careers
Foundations of Medical Reading
Foundations of Veterinary Science
Recognition Events:
America's Blood Centers & HOSA Blood Drive
Barbara James Service Award
HOSA Happenings
HOSA Service Project
Emotional Well-Being Challenge
Leadership Events:
Extemporaneous Health Poster​
Health Career Preparation
Healthy Lifestyle
Prepared Speaking
Speaking Skills*
Teamwork Events:
Dynamic Decisions
Exploring Medical Innovations
Health Career Display
Health Education
Foundations of HOSA Bowl
Emergency Preparedness Events:
Life Threatening Situations
Public Health
Secondary/Post-Secondary/Collegiate Events
R - Event available in Arizona at Regional Level (must qualify for SLC via the Regional Conference)
S - Event available in Arizona at State Level
I - Event available to Arizona at International Level
* - Student must be classified under the provision of the 2004 reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to participate.
Event Guidelines for SS/PSC Events:
(Will be updated and linked for the 24-25 year after September 1, 2024)
Health Science Events: (S, I)
Behavioral Health
AZ Guideline Supplement
Cultural Diversities & Disparities
Dental Terminology
AZ Guideline Supplement
Health Informatics
AZ Guideline Supplement
Human Growth & Development
AZ Guideline Supplement
Medical Law and Ethics
AZ Guideline Supplement
Medical Math
AZ Guideline Supplement
Medical Reading
AZ Guideline Supplement
Medical Spelling
AZ Guideline Supplement
Medical Terminology
AZ Guideline Supplement
AZ Guideline Supplement
AZ Guideline Supplement
AZ Guideline Supplement
Health Professions Events: (S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Clinical Laboratory Science
AZ Guideline Supplement
Clinical Nursing
AZ Guideline Supplement
Clinical Specialty
AZ Guideline Supplement
Dental Science
AZ Guideline Supplement
Family Medicine Physician (R, S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Home Health Aide
AZ Guideline Supplement
Medical Assisting
AZ Guideline Supplement
Nursing Assisting
AZ Guideline Supplement
Patient Care Technician (new for 24-25!)
Personal Care*
AZ Guideline Supplement
Pharmacy Science
AZ Guideline Supplement
AZ Guideline Supplement
Physical Therapy
AZ Guideline Supplement
Respiratory Therapy (R, S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Sports Medicine
AZ Guideline Supplement
Veterinary Science
AZ Guideline Supplement
Leadership Events:
Extemporaneous Writing (S, I)​
AZ Guideline Supplement​
Health Career Photography (R, S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement​
Healthy Living (S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Interviewing Skills* (R, S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Job Seeking Skills (R, S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Prepared Speaking (R, S, I)​
AZ Guideline Supplement
Researched Persuasive Writing & Speaking (R, S, I)​
AZ Guideline Supplement
Research Poster (R, S, I)​
AZ Guideline Supplement
Speaking Skills* (R, S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Teamwork Events:
Biomedical Debate (S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Community Awareness (R, S, I)​
AZ Guideline Supplement
Creative Problem Solving (S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Forensic Science (S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Health Career Display (R, S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Health Education (R, S, I)​
AZ Guideline Supplement
HOSA Bowl (S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Medical Innovation (R, S, I)
​AZ Guideline Supplement
Parliamentary Procedure (S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Public Service Announcement (R, S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Recognition Events:
America's Blood Centers & HOSA Blood Drive (S, I)
Barbara James Service Award (S, I)​
Emotional Well-Being Challenge (I)
Healthcare Issues Exam (I**)
HOSA Happenings (S, I)
HOSA Service Project (S, I)
Organizational Leadership (Voting Delegates) (I**)​
Informational Packet Coming Soon!!
Chapter Leadership Submission Form
Chapter Membership Awards (S)
Pulse Awards (S)
Pin Design Contest - guidelines (S)
Emergency Preparedness Events:
CERT Skills (S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
CPR/First Aid (S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Emergency Medical Technician (S, I)
AZ Guideline supplement
Epidemiology (S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Life Support Skills* (S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Mental Health Promotion (R, S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
MRC Partnership (R, S, I)
AZ Guideline Supplement
Public Health (S, I)
AZ Guideline Support
** Healthcare Issues Exam and Organizational Leadership - members will qualify for ILC via State Online Testing in January.
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