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Membership Checklist

Welcome to the membership paperwork page. If you are a returning chapter advisor at the same chapter as last year, you can start on this page. If you are a new advisor or an advisor at a new chapter please start at the New Chapter Page.


Below are the steps that you need to complete by November 1 of each year to stay a chapter in good standing. If you have any questions please reach out to the State Advisor at or at 602.542.5770.


Membership Checklist

1. Enter members on the HOSA Membership Site -

You will need your chapter number and password. If you forgot your chapter number and/or password contact the Arizona HOSA State Advisor at


Things to remember when registering members:

1. You will need the following information for each student you register: first name, last name, gender, race, class (grade), email, phone number (optional).

         **It is recommended that you include an email address that students can access

                anywhere, and will not be blocked by district security settings.

2. Check for spelling errors, duplicates, capitalization errors.

3. Please be VERY cautious not to duplicate entries.  Once members have been added to the system they cannot be removed, even by the National office.


Note: Arizona HOSA also offers the option to bulk upload your membership for those chapters with approximately 100 members or more. Provide a list of membership information on a .cvs or .xls file and submit it to the following form: Bulk Membership Upload Verification Form. For an example .xls file, download our Example Membership Import File (includes an example entry and a key for membership info).  Please keep in mind that the template must be matched exactly!!  If there are any variances from the example/key the system will not accept the upload.


2. Complete the Annual Chapter Registration Form

You will need chapter information such as address, principal email, CTE Director name and email, accounts payable information, and other information to complete this form. This form also include the Advisor Code of Conduct AND Statement of Assurance, both of which need to be read and e-signed by all advisors (if your chapter has multiple advisors, the form does not need to be filled out multiple times, just utilize the extra advisor signature fields).


       The provided link will also include the requirement to submit your Chapter Bylaws, Program                 of Work, and Officer List/Emails for the current school year.  If you are new or have made bylaw 

         amendments in the previous year, please make sure to upload your up-to-date bylaws to the 

         link above. 

If you need a copy of your bylaws that have been submitted in the past, please contact your school/district, as Arizona HOSA does not store them from previous years. 


Click here for a sample set of bylaws


Important Note: For 2024-2025, all chapters will be required to use the new

      Program of Work template found here






Arizona HOSA #42 Arizona Department of Education, 1535 W. Jefferson St., Phoenix, AZ 85007

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Tel: 602-542-5770

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