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HOSA National Service Project

National HOSA has chosen to continue its relationship with our premier service partner, Be The Match, for long term future.  Be The Match is operated by the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) and is the largest and most diverse bone marrow registry in the world! As part of the HOSA Service Project, members are encouraged to raise both awareness and monetary contributions that will help continue the important work being done by this organization.

Getting Involved

Not only is it easy to get involved, but there are amazing opportunities to become an ambassador, different "FUN"draising ideas, and do outreach in your communities! As a HOSA member, all of these opportunities are open to you! Arizona HOSA invites you to get involved as soon as possible!


Chapters are encouraged to set up a team page on the website dedicated to this important project.  For information please visit 


Arizona HOSA #42 Arizona Department of Education, 1535 W. Jefferson St., Phoenix, AZ 85007

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Tel: 602-542-5770

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